Order Specification list for Scoonimhead doll model PH04-SOxx
It is very much recommendable that you add sample pictures of desired hair style, eyebrows which we can use as
a reference when customizing the doll for you .
Please copy the form below it into your email to me or Koen and then fill it in, or send it as an attachment.
Email: or
All prices are in euros. Prices mentioned are exclusive VAT, import tax, shipment and administration.
You will receive an offer based on the specifications and information you provide.
Dear Stellai / Koen,
Please send me your offer for making a PH-04 Scoonimhead doll with the following characteristics:
Skin color.................................... : (pale white / average white / light bronzed )
Eyes.............................................. : (blue / green / brown / grey / mixed / light / dark / other…)
Hair color.................................... : (red / blond / brown / grey / black / mixed / other…)
Hair style.................................... : (describe and/or add pictures)
Eyebrows color........................ : (red / blond / brown / grey / black / other…)
Eyebrows style......................... : (describe and/or add pictures)
Lips color.................................... : (natural / red / pink / purple / other…)
Freckles....................................... : (no freckles / a little bit / a lot / other…)
Make-up..................................... : (describe and/or add pictures)
Bikini color................................. : (blue / red / white / black / other…)
Phicen SO-xx body................. : (small breasts / medium size breasts / big breasts)
(The price of the customized assembly above is € 800,- If you want you can furthermore choose one of the options below. Please know that there
can be extra costs for these options.)
-Dress my doll in this style.. : (describe style and/or add pictures)
-Use this assembly................. : (inform us about a specific Phicen assembly that you like to have* and
we will buy it and replace the head for the PH-04 head with your
Thank you. I am very much looking forward to receiving your offer.
Kind regards,
Your name................................. :
Country....................................... :
Email address........................... :
(*If you already have that specific assembly, but you like to have a matching Scoonimhead for it, then send us the body so we can match the head.)