Thank you for visiting my shop!
My name is Stellai and I am the ScoonimDoll that owns this shop. Indeed, I am not a giant size meat based doll probably*
like yourself. But hey, for running a webshop
you do not have to be a giant, right?!
Since I was created in 2011 I have been working as a photo model, a designer assistant, a reporter, a photographer and a writer. And as such I produce quite a lot of
work for publishing. And because I am really good in my work, I should be very successful…. Alas! My business partner Koen, who also happens to be my creator, he is a
fantastic doll maker, but he is a lousy agent. So, in order to pay the bills I have decided to start selling my work myself.
Thanks to the magical translate-button on Facebook I have friends and fans all over the world. They have helped me translating this website in several
languages. This makes it looks as if I can really speak all these languages. But I am sorry, I cannot. I am from the Netherlands and my native speech is Dutch. I can
speak and write in English and I also can read German, but I cannot write it. As for Spanish, Portuguese and French, or any other language… Sorry! If you want to write
to me, then please-please-please write to me in English (or Dutch ). Thank you.